Code Duplication
This article will cover:
- Why code duplication is a bad idea.
- Why it doesn't occur much on public open source projects
- Why organisational firewalls make the problem of code duplication worse.
- Specific risks arising within the organisation due to code duplication
- How this can be measured and its cost estimated.
Making The Case For Avoiding Code Duplication
Perhaps the main advantage of open source software is that it can be endlessly duplicated for almost no cost. Indeed, the marginal cost of an extra user or extra deployment of a piece of open source software is zero.
From this perspective, it would seem likely that everyone would have their own version (or Fork) of a piece of software. However, in practice this is often a bad idea, for the following reasons:
A Fork Doesn't Automatically See Improvements. Because a fork is made at a fixed point in time, and bug fixes, feature upgrades and other improvements made to the original software won't be applied in the fork. This takes effort.
Forks Need To Be Maintained. The value of a piece of open source software is largely in the community devoted to maintaining it. The community writes documentation, responds to issues, creates releases and publicly proselytises. A fork of the software will also need maintainers doing this too.
There Is Safety In An Ecosystem. Despite high-profile cases like Log4Shell, it is safer to use software which is well-supported by an ecosystem, since bugs and security flaws get found faster. Taking the Log4Shell example, it's easier to upgrade this library from known broken releases to known good releases than to try and understand whether any given fork is vulnerable, or how to fix it. A variation on this is Linus's Law, coined by Linus Torvalds the progenitor of Linux:
"given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" - Linus's Law
For these reasons, open source software is often described as being free as in puppies: yes, you can have the code for free, but with ownership comes responsibility.
Open-Source Gravity
Because of the above reasons, forking for the purposes of maintaining an entirely new version is an uncommon practice in the open source world. So why would open source projects get forked?
Fixing A Bug. Sometimes code will be forked by a committed user so that a bug fix can be worked out. In fact, this is the main way open-source software improves: the user of a piece of software fixes a bug then requests to merge that change back to the main project.
Contributing Missing Functionality. It is also very common to create a fork with the intention of trying out a change or working on a new feature, with the eventual goal being to merge the activity of the fork back into the main codebase. This both grows the community of developers on the project, but also makes the project potentially more useful to more people, creating a positive feedback loop.
A Change In Direction. In rare cases, a project will be forked because some of the community lose faith with the original owners of the project. For example, MariaDB is a fork of the original MySQL database, which was bought by Oracle. The community didn't appreciate the commercial direction that Oracle were taking with the original project and created a new one.
Behind The Firewall
In many institutions (e.g. Finance), merging code to a public open source project requires code to cross the organisational firewall and is an opportunity for data leakage. While code can come in to the organisation, merging out is prohibited.
This presents a problem for developers behind the firewall if they wish to Fix A Bug or Contribute Missing Functionality. They can either:
- Contribute to the project in their own time, from outside of the organisation. If they are committed enough and not restricted by IP Policy then perhaps they can take action outside of their company. However, this is difficult, since they wont be able to try out their fixes without access to the organisations' systems.
- Find A New Approach. In many cases, there are alternatives to a piece of open source software. Potentially, a developer could swap a dependency that doesn't work for one that does. In most cases this is not a trivial task and so the developer is forced to...
- Fork The Project Internally. This allows them to make the bug fix they require and release organisation- or project-specific versions of the original code. As should be clear from the earlier section, this is not a ideal option.
Internal Forking might be a band-aid solution for developers, but comes with its own risks:

Codebase Risk
Increased Maintenance Overhead. As already described, owning software has a cost. Note that within an organisation the same piece of software could get forked multiple times, each fork taking its toll on a different development team.
Tip: some organisations have made efforts to measure the amount of code duplication (and therefore developer cost) in order to justify open source contribution.

Operational Risk
Increased Security Risk. Vulnerability analysis is unlikely to work effectively against proprietary versions of a library.
Software Audit Issues. It becomes hard to know where an organisation is using a particular piece of software if they are using an unofficial fork of it.
It should be clear from this article that there is a strong case for allowing developers to contribute to existing open source projects, irrespective of the type of organisation. The problem is to allow this to be done in a controlled, risk-managed way that doesn't create other vulnerabilities (such as data leakage).